Sunday, March 4, 2012

Should i buy battlefield 3 on pc or 360?

I know most people would say pc. But the reason i am thinking of getting it on 360 because most of my friends from school have 360 not steam and i like playing with them but i doubt the will get b3 because they will probally get mw3(im getting mw3 too on 360). Graphics will probably be the same as 360's but i heard battlefield is better on pc cause of the mods and stuff. What should i get it on? And will there be a beta or a demo? If so how can i get it?Should i buy battlefield 3 on pc or 360?
I would suggest getting it for the 360 because:

1. It takes a lot of money to get a good PC that can smoothly handle games like bf3 and mw3
2. It is harder to play online with PC internet connection
3. PC might have more hackers
4. Also

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